The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the operational management of the Group’s business, developing
strategy and commercial objectives in consultation with the Board, and then implementing such strategy. She
also has, with the support of the executive team, primary responsibility for setting an example to Kuwait Energy’s
employees and communicating the Group’s expectations to them in relation to its culture, values and behaviours.
Together with the Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer provides the leadership of the Group, including representing
the Group to its stakeholders including shareholders, financial institutions, employees, governments and the general
Non-Executive Directors
The Non-Executive Directors bring independent judgement on issues of strategy and resources, including key
appointments and standards of conduct. They have a particular responsibility to challenge the performance of the
executive management independently and constructively and to monitor the performance of the management
team in the delivery of the agreed objectives and targets. All Non-Executive Directors undertake that they will have
sufficient time to discharge their responsibilities effectively and any significant commitments are disclosed to the
Board prior to appointment. Changes to such commitments are disclosed to the Board on an on-going basis.
Senior Independent Director
Sir Steve Robson was appointed as the Senior Independent Director in late 2014. The key elements of this role include:
• Providing a sounding board for the Chairman and working with the Chairman and other Directors and/or
shareholders to resolve significant issues.
• Being available to shareholders if they have concerns.
• Leading the Non-Executive Directors in the Chairman’s performance evaluation.
• Meeting with the other Non-Executive Directors to discuss and resolve governance-related concerns and issues.
Board meetings
The Chairman ensures that the Board meets for regular scheduled meetings to review the Group’s operations and
performance and to set and monitor strategy. The Board will also meet for unscheduled meetings if there are specific
matters which require Board discussion. The Chairman ensures that senior management are available and may ask
them to attend part of the meeting to provide appropriate input as required.
The Board met seven times in 2015 on the following dates:
18 February
30 April
30 June
21 July
7 September
29 October
17 December