For the year ended 31 December 2015
Critical accounting judgements
Recoverability of exploration and evaluation costs
The carrying value of intangible
exploration and evaluation assets (“E&E”) represent active exploration projects.
the Group’s accounting policy for E&E costs, such costs are capitalised as intangible assets, and are assessed for
impairment when circumstances suggest that the carrying amount may exceed its recoverable value. This assessment
involves judgement as to (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should be
determined, and (ii) future revenues and costs pertaining to the asset with which question is associated, and the discount
rate to be applied to such revenues and costs for the purpose of deriving a recoverable value. Note 13 discloses the
carrying amounts of the Group’s E&E assets as well as details of impairment charges arising during t
he year.
The key areas in which management have applied judgement are as follows: the Group’s intention to proceed with a
future work programme for a prospect or licence; the likelihood of licence renewal or extension; and the success of a
well result or geological or geophysical survey. In addition, the Group holds exploration costs related to Block 49 in
Yemen with a carrying value of USD 20.9 million where in 2015 the political and security situation has become
unstable. Further details are provided in note 13.
Key sources of estimation uncertainty
The following are the key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the
balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities within the next financial year.
Impairment of oil and gas properties
Determining whether oil and gas properties are impaired requires management to estimate the future net revenue from
oil and gas reserves attrib
utable to the Group’s interest in that field. This requires
significant estimates to be made
including, future oil and gas prices, production volumes, capital/operating expenditures and an asset specific discount
rate. The Group also operates in certain countries with heightened geopolitical exposure and risk of challenge in respect
of licence terms. In particular, the following areas of estimation uncertainty and judgements were considered.
The Group has assumed that the Block 5 license expiry date in Yemen will be further extended to compensate for
new force majeure claims accruing after 7 March 2016 till the date of resuming production, without which there
would be a material additional impairment charge; and
The Group has a carrying value of USD 21.8 million (2014: USD 26.7 million) on the Mansuriya field which is
located in North East Iraq where the political and security situation is currently unstable. If the security situation
does not improve in the longer term, there could be a material additional impairment charge.
Further details
of the Group’s oil and gas assets and related impairment charges during the year
are provided in note 14.
Commercial reserves
Calculation of the recoverable value of oil and gas properties and depletion calculations require estimates to be made
of quantities of commercial oil and gas reserves, which are based on estimates determined by
Kuwait Energy’s
petroleum engineers and are subject to third party review. Management believes these reserves to be commercially
productive and will provide revenues to the Group adequate to recover remaining net un-depreciated and un-depleted
capitalised oil and gas properties as at 31 December 2015.
Convertible loans fair value
As outlined in note 23, the total
finance charge associated with the Group’s convertible loans, which are held at fair
value, depends on the exercise of certain conversion or prepayment options by the lenders and the Company which are
future events and inherently uncertain. At the balance sheet date the Group has assessed the fair values of the loans
based on their best estimate of the relative likelihood of the occurrence of each conversion or prepayment option.